The Imperative of Rule of Law for Nearshoring Success in Mexico

By Felipe Ledezma 

August 21, 2024

Mexico must fully leverage nearshoring, with a robust rule of law crucial for governance, investment, and development.

The global trend of nearshoring, where companies move their supply chains closer to their main markets, presents Mexico with an opportunity to enhance its role in the international business landscape. This shift is driven by companies seeking to reduce risks associated with long-distance logistics and geopolitical uncertainties. However, for Mexico to take full advantage of this opportunity, it must ensure a strong rule of law, especially in governance, investment, and development.

The Nearshoring Opportunity

Nearshoring is not just a logistical trend; it represents a strategic move for businesses aiming to reduce operational disruptions, cut costs, and respond more rapidly to market demands. For Mexico, this means the potential for increased foreign investment, job creation, and economic growth, especially in manufacturing, technology, and services. However, Mexico can only realize the benefits of nearshoring if it can offer a stable and secure environment that assures investors and businesses of the rule of law.

The Role of Rule of Law

The rule of law is foundational for any thriving economy. It ensures that laws are applied consistently and fairly, and it protects the rights of individuals and businesses. For investors, a reliable legal framework provides predictability and security, which are essential for making long-term commitments. In Mexico, challenges related to corruption, inconsistent law enforcement, and weak judicial processes have historically deterred investment. To harness the benefits of nearshoring, Mexico must address these issues.

Governance, Investment, and Development

1. Governance: Effective governance is critical to maintaining the rule of law. This involves not only enforcing laws but also ensuring that governmental institutions are transparent and accountable. Strong governance frameworks can help in preventing corruption and building investor confidence.

2. Investment: Investors require assurance that their ventures will be protected under a fair legal system. This includes safeguarding intellectual property, enforcing contracts, and resolving disputes efficiently. Without such protections, the risk associated with investing in Mexico might outweigh the potential benefits.

3. Development: Sustainable development hinges on the ability to implement policies that promote economic growth while ensuring social equity. A robust legal system supports development by creating an environment where businesses can thrive, workers' rights are protected, and public resources are managed effectively.

The Importance of Security

Among the various aspects of the rule of law, security is paramount. In Mexico, security challenges have historically impacted the business environment. Addressing these issues is not just about improving safety but also about enhancing the overall stability of the business climate. A secure environment encourages investment and allows for the smooth operation of businesses.

The Appointment of Omar García Harfuch

The appointment of Omar García Harfuch as the head of the Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection has been met with optimism by investors. García Harfuch, known for his previous work in law enforcement, is seen as a figure capable of addressing security concerns effectively. His appointment is expected to bolster efforts to enhance public safety and improve the rule of law in Mexico.

Investors view this appointment as a positive step towards creating a more secure and stable environment for business operations. García Harfuch’s background suggests he may bring a renewed focus on tackling crime and corruption, which are critical to ensuring the rule of law.


The arrival of nearshoring presents a transformative opportunity for Mexico. To fully realize its potential, the country must commit to guaranteeing the rule of law in governance, investment, and development. Ensuring security is a fundamental aspect of this commitment. The positive reception of Omar García Harfuch’s appointment signals a step in the right direction, but sustained efforts will be necessary to secure long-term benefits for Mexico’s economy and its people.



1. “Nearshoring and the New Business Landscape,” Harvard Business Review, 2024.

2. “The Rule of Law and Economic Development,” World Bank Report, 2023.

3. “Mexico’s Investment Climate and Governance Challenges,” International Monetary Fund, 2023.

4. “Security and Economic Growth: The Impact of Crime on Investment,” Global Economic Review, 2024.

5. “Omar García Harfuch Appointed Head of Mexico’s Security Secretariat,” Reuters, August 2024.

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