Mexico’s Constitutional Reforms Mark a Major Shift in Judicial Framework

By Manolo Pasero 

September 17, 2024

Following Mexico's ratification of major judicial reforms, many have voiced concerns over the potential risks to U.S.-Mexico relations.

During the last days, Mexico's Senate, Chamber of Deputies, and a majority of state legislatures approved a set of constitutional reforms aimed at overhauling the country's judicial system. This historic move marks a significant transformation in Mexico's legal landscape, potentially affecting various dimensions of U.S.-Mexico relations.

The reforms, which have been in the works for several years, seek to address long-standing issues within Mexico's judiciary, including inefficiencies, corruption, and access to justice. The proposed changes encompass a broad range of adjustments, from restructuring the Supreme Court to modifying the processes for selecting judges and ensuring greater transparency and accountability within the judicial system.

Key Aspects of the Reforms

Restructuring the Supreme Court: One of the central elements of the reform is the restructuring of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN). The changes aim to streamline its operations and enhance its role in overseeing the judiciary. This includes expanding the court’s powers to ensure more effective judicial oversight and reducing the influence of partisan politics on judicial appointments.

Judicial Appointments: The reform introduces new criteria and procedures for appointing judges, emphasizing merit-based selection to mitigate corruption and political interference. The proposed changes include a more transparent nomination process and stronger qualifications for candidates.

Access to Justice: The reforms also focus on improving access to justice for ordinary citizens. Measures include simplifying legal procedures, reducing delays in the court system, and increasing support for legal aid services. The goal is to make the judicial system more accessible and equitable for all Mexicans.

Accountability and Transparency: Enhancing accountability within the judiciary is a core objective of the reform. The new measures are designed to tackle corruption and ensure that judicial decisions are made impartially and based on the law.

Implications for U.S.-Mexico Relations

The approval of these reforms has sparked considerable debate, particularly regarding their potential impact on U.S.-Mexico relations. The United States and Mexico have a complex relationship that includes cooperation on legal matters, such as cross-border crime and trade disputes. The changes in Mexico's judicial framework could influence various aspects of this bilateral relationship:

Cross-Border Crime: Effective judicial reforms may improve Mexico's ability to tackle cross-border crime, including drug trafficking and human smuggling, which are of significant concern to both nations. A more efficient and transparent judicial system could enhance cooperation between U.S. and Mexican law enforcement agencies.

Trade and Investment: The reform could impact trade relations, particularly if it leads to greater legal stability and protection for investors. U.S. businesses operating in Mexico may benefit from a more predictable and fair legal environment, potentially boosting economic ties.

Diplomatic Relations: The way in which the reforms are implemented and their effectiveness in addressing corruption and inefficiency will be closely watched by U.S. officials. Positive outcomes could strengthen diplomatic relations, while challenges or setbacks might lead to increased scrutiny and potential friction.

Challenges and Criticisms

Despite the positive intentions behind the reforms, they have not been without controversy. Critics argue that the implementation of these changes could face significant hurdles, including resistance from entrenched interests within the judiciary and potential challenges in ensuring that the reforms achieve their intended goals. There are also concerns about the timing of the reforms and the broader political context in which they are being enacted.


As Mexico embarks on this ambitious journey to reform its judicial system, the international community, including the United States, will be closely monitoring the outcomes. The success of these reforms could serve as a model for other nations grappling with similar issues within their judicial systems. However, the road ahead is likely to be complex and require sustained commitment from all stakeholders involved.

In summary, Mexico's recent constitutional reforms represent a bold step towards modernizing its judicial system. While the potential benefits are significant, the impact on U.S.-Mexico relations and the overall effectiveness of the reforms will depend on careful implementation and continued dialogue between the two nations.

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