The Impact of Generative AI on Mexico’s Labor Market: Insights from the ILO Study

By Enrique Jiménez 

August 12, 2024

In Mexico, a study by the ILO estimates that up to 35% of jobs could be impacted by generative AI.

A recent study by the International Labour Organization (ILO) has brought to light significant insights into how generative artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to reshape the labor market. According to the study, generative AI will have profound and lasting effects on the employment landscape, particularly for individuals in formal sectors with qualified and well-paid positions. In Mexico, it is estimated that up to 35% of jobs could be impacted by this emerging technology. 

Generative AI and Its Transformative Potential

Generative AI, which encompasses technologies capable of creating content such as text, images, and even software code, is revolutionizing various industries. Unlike traditional AI, which typically performs predefined tasks, generative AI can generate new and unique outputs, making it a powerful tool for automation and innovation.

The ILO study highlights that generative AI’s ability to perform complex tasks and produce sophisticated outputs will fundamentally alter job roles and responsibilities. This technology’s influence extends across multiple sectors, including finance, healthcare, legal services, and creative industries, where it can perform tasks ranging from drafting legal documents to generating marketing content.

Impact on Formal Sector Jobs

The study emphasizes that employees in the formal sector—those holding qualified and well-compensated positions—will experience the most significant effects from generative AI. These workers are often engaged in tasks that require specialized skills and knowledge, making them both highly vulnerable and potentially highly beneficial in the context of AI advancements.

1. Job Displacement and Transformation: Many roles in the formal sector may face displacement as generative AI systems become capable of handling complex tasks previously performed by humans. For example, in sectors such as finance and law, AI can automate data analysis, report generation, and even decision-making processes. Workers in these fields may need to adapt by acquiring new skills or transitioning to roles that AI cannot easily replicate.

2. Increased Efficiency and Innovation: On the flip side, generative AI offers opportunities for increased efficiency and innovation. Professionals who adapt to and integrate AI technologies into their workflows can enhance their productivity and creativity. For instance, marketing professionals can use AI to generate personalized content and campaigns more quickly, while designers can leverage AI tools for rapid prototyping and idea generation.

3. Skills and Training Needs: The shift driven by generative AI underscores the need for upskilling and reskilling programs. Workers in affected sectors will need to acquire new competencies to remain relevant. This includes training in AI literacy, data analysis, and the ability to work alongside AI systems.

Estimating the Impact on Mexico’s Workforce

The ILO study estimates that up to 35% of jobs in Mexico could be impacted by the rise of generative AI. This projection reflects the extensive reach of AI technologies and their potential to disrupt various industries within the country. 

1. Sector-Specific Impacts: In Mexico, sectors such as manufacturing, services, and finance are expected to see notable changes. For instance, the manufacturing sector might experience automation of design and production processes, while the service sector could see AI-driven customer service and support roles.

2. Regional Disparities: The impact of generative AI may vary across different regions of Mexico. Urban areas with a higher concentration of formal sector jobs and advanced industries may experience more pronounced effects compared to rural areas. This could exacerbate regional disparities in employment and economic opportunities.

3. Policy Implications: The anticipated impact of AI on the labor market calls for proactive policy responses. The Mexican government and industry stakeholders need to develop strategies to manage the transition. This includes investing in education and training programs, supporting workers in transitioning to new roles, and fostering a dialogue between technology developers and policymakers to address potential disruptions.

Global and Local Responses

The global community is increasingly aware of the implications of AI on the labor market. International organizations, governments, and industry leaders are engaging in discussions to formulate guidelines and strategies to mitigate adverse effects and harness the benefits of AI.

Locally, Mexico’s approach to managing the impact of generative AI will involve collaboration between the government, educational institutions, and the private sector. Initiatives may include updating curricula to include AI-related skills, promoting lifelong learning opportunities, and creating support systems for workers affected by technological changes.


The ILO study serves as a critical reminder of the transformative power of generative AI and its potential to reshape the labor market. In Mexico, the anticipated impact on up to 35% of jobs underscores the need for strategic planning and adaptation. By proactively addressing the challenges and opportunities presented by AI, Mexico can navigate this technological shift and work towards a future where the benefits of AI are broadly shared across its workforce. As generative AI continues to evolve, ongoing research and dialogue will be essential in shaping policies and strategies that support a smooth transition and foster inclusive growth.

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