China Urges U.S. to Reconsider Interventionist Policies in Latin America, Raising Concerns About Diplomatic Relations

By Manolo Pasero 

September 5, 2024

China’s Foreign Ministry has urged the U.S. to end its “interventionist” policies in Latin America, calling for relations based on “mutual respect” and “non-interference.”

In a significant diplomatic development, China's Foreign Ministry has called on the United States to abandon its "interventionist" policies in Latin America. They advocate for a shift towards relations based on "mutual respect" and "non-interference in the internal affairs" of each country. This statement marks a notable escalation in tensions between the two global powers and has the potential to impact diplomatic relations across the Western Hemisphere.

China’s Diplomatic Call  

China’s Foreign Ministry has expressed strong disapproval of what it characterizes as the United States’ interventionist stance in Latin America. The Ministry’s statement emphasizes the need for a more respectful and non-intrusive approach, urging the U.S. to engage with Latin American countries on the basis of mutual respect and without interfering in their domestic affairs.

This diplomatic intervention comes amid ongoing geopolitical competition between China and the United States, particularly in the context of Latin America, a region historically influenced by U.S. foreign policy. China’s call for a change in U.S. policy reflects its broader strategic objectives in the region and highlights its growing influence as a global power.

Implications for U.S.-Latin America Relations  

China’s criticism of U.S. policies is likely to resonate across Latin America, where many countries have been navigating complex relationships with both Washington and Beijing. Several key implications emerge from this diplomatic statement:

1. Increased Geopolitical Tensions: The call for a shift away from interventionist policies underscores the growing geopolitical rivalry between China and the United States. As China seeks to expand its influence in Latin America, tensions with the U.S. could intensify, particularly if the U.S. responds defensively to China’s criticism.

2. Impact on U.S. Diplomacy in the Region: Latin American countries may reconsider their diplomatic and economic strategies in light of China’s statement. Countries that have traditionally aligned with U.S. policies might reassess their positions, potentially leading to shifts in regional alliances and partnerships.

3. China’s Strategic Interests: By advocating for non-interference, China aims to bolster its own position in Latin America, where it has been increasing its economic footprint through investments and trade agreements. China’s approach emphasizes a more collaborative and non-intrusive model of engagement compared to the U.S.’s historically dominant influence.

U.S. Response and Potential Reactions  

The U.S. response to China’s statement will be pivotal in shaping future diplomatic relations. Several possible reactions and consequences could emerge:

1. Diplomatic Tensions: The U.S. may view China’s call as a direct challenge to its longstanding policies in Latin America. This could lead to heightened diplomatic tensions, with both nations engaging in a war of words or policy adjustments in the region.

2. Policy Adjustments: In response to the criticism, the U.S. might evaluate its approach to Latin America, potentially adjusting its policies to address concerns about interventionism. This could involve revising strategies to enhance cooperation without perceived interference.

3. Increased Competition: The situation could further fuel the competition between China and the U.S. for influence in Latin America. Both powers might ramp up their diplomatic and economic efforts in the region, seeking to sway Latin American countries in their favor.

Broader Geopolitical Context  

China’s intervention in this diplomatic arena reflects its broader strategy of expanding its global influence through diplomatic, economic, and trade initiatives. The statement highlights China’s growing assertiveness and its desire to reshape international relations in a way that aligns with its vision of a multipolar world order.

For the United States, the challenge will be to navigate these geopolitical dynamics while addressing concerns about interventionism and maintaining its influence in Latin America. The evolving relationship between these two global powers will likely have far-reaching consequences for international diplomacy and regional stability.


China’s recent call for the United States to abandon its interventionist policies in Latin America and adopt a stance of mutual respect and non-interference marks a significant moment in global diplomacy. As both nations grapple with this new development, the impact on U.S.-Latin America relations, as well as broader geopolitical dynamics, will unfold in the coming months. The situation underscores the complex and evolving nature of international relations in a rapidly changing world.

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